Thursday, March 26, 2009

Desperately Seeking Summer...

Okay, so I have to vent.  Even though I should be using this time to actually do homework and study, I have to vent in order to keep sane.  At the beginning of this semester I thought, "Yeah, I'm taking a lot of classes, but they're all pretty low-key considering that most of them are just one or two credits, so I think I'm going to be just fine!"  

I am not just fine.

All my classes, every single one, have me doing HUGE projects right now.  And they're all due in a week or two.  I am freaking out and in every class when they talk about it being due, I feel like I can't breathe.  Why can't they spread things out throughout the semester?  Why is it all due at once?  I'm so overwhelmed that I don't think I can handle it!  Seriously, it will be a miracle if I survive the next few weeks.  And it doesn't help that I am completely burned out.  I mean, I totally needed a spring break this year and I am so mad at BYU for being the one school to not have a spring break.  Yeah, I know that we get out earlier than everyone else, but seriously!  A couple of days would have been nice!  BLAH!!!!!!!  

And I know I'm complaining about the trivial and that things could get worse and that I probably put this on myself, but really... I didn't.  It's not my fault that my department likes to only allow a class that should be a four credit hour class to only be two hours so that they can fit more classes into the major... and it's not my fault that I'm taking so many classes so that I can graduate in 2 years even though I've been here for four...  Sorry.  I just really need the next couple weeks to be over so that I can be sane again.  

Sigh.  Wish me luck.  :/


  1. Hang in there! We have all been there before and somehow we survived.

    Good Luck.

  2. I swear every major does that with the credit thing. I had some 1 credit classes with quite a bit of homework. Just take it one day at a time. We love you; we're cheering for you!
