This picture is absolutely hilarious to me and I figured it fit that Valentine's Day is next week. :) So, flashback six years ago to my freshmen year - Katherine and I decided that Valentine's Day was a pointless holiday and that it was just another excuse for commercialism to go crazy and for couples all over campus to rub it into the poor single folks how happy they are with their respective shmootzie-poo's. So we decided that we would wear all black on Valentine's Day and, needless to say, we went all out! And the fact that our hallway in our dorm had been decorated with Valentine's balloons just made it even better because we had the perfect background for our emo photo shoot! We took some awesome pictures, and this one is just one nugget among a gold mine of pictures that make me just bust up laughing. We ended up making the dressing up in black a tradition every year and I still love it! Love you, Kat! You were the best roommate a girl could ask for! :)
Haha, oh dear! Yesterday was the day of freshmen year pics! Both you and Ashley posted one.